Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Hannah & Hounds

I wanted to go to the Halloween parade as Eve to celebrate Steve Jobs and that bite out of his apple, but Mom said I needed a bigger fig leaf. I wonder when they're going to come out with the iPooch or the iPaw so I can interact more. And while we're on that, why didn't they ever just create the iMe? That's what all this new technology is about after all, right?

We went to a grand Halloween parade with people and pooches in Carmel, CA this weekend. There was a hot dog lunch afterwards that seemed a little inappropriate to me. This town is known for it's dog friendliness after all! Dogs lounge on couches at Doris Day's hotel, and they hang out in restaurants and wear designer clothes here. We visited the awesome Diggity Dog pet boutique and watched this pug try on his halloween outfits. I think he ended up as the clown, but he could have sold margerine with that crown on!

We sold more books to some of Dad's golf buddies. They may have been harassed a little bit, after all, they aren't used to buying kids books. But they'll see - they have grandkids that will love it when they read it to them. And it sounds like the book may have made it into our first west coast stores. Back at home Mom had great success last week reading to kids at Boys & Girls Clubs and getting the book into stores along the Front Range of Colorado. Here's a list of places so far if you want to support your local bookstore!

Happy Halloween, but don't eat unwrapped bones from strangers!

Love, Hannah

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Ball is Rolling - And Dogs Love That!!

I saw Mom out there in the yard doing a few back flips today. She said Barnes and Noble is going to order some of my books! The ball is starting to roll and she's chasing it around fast like I do with Lucy all the time playing fetch and wrestling and stuff like that. She looks funny running around in circles, I must say.

Tomorrow she's heading out on a Boys & Girls Book Tour around Colorado. The first leg is to Loveland, Fort Collins and Greeley. I can't wait to see those kids for sure, for sure. They love petting me
and I love that part the best. Plus they're even cuter than me... not sure how that could be!

Speaking of rolling balls, Dad told one of my favoirte stories about the Golden Retriever who was studying to be a service dog. On one of the last days of his testing period he was in a hospital and what came down the hall but a man on a walker, and, oh no! He had tennis balls on the bottom of that walker. Well, that Golden took one look at that walker and had to Retrieve - that's what dogs and balls are all about after all! I don't think he passed the service test, but he's probably a great pet right now for some lucky human...

Love and paws crossed to sell bone loads of books!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hurrah! The Book Has Arrived!!

Mom's pretty jazzed up now because the book has finally arrived. Lucy and I have been getting extra petting time and even some meaty bones to naw on. It's been a good few dog days for sure.

Here's the cool thing. Mom is going to give some of the proceeds of the book to Boys and Girls Clubs. We already went to do a reading with a bunch of kids, which was soooo much fun! (I of course got to go and I loved those kiddies, oops, not to be confused with kitties.) I loved rolling around on the floor getting petted by all those great kids. It was a real hoot, and Mom really liked it too!
Mom's going to peddle some other stuff, too. She got all these crazy stuffed animals that look just like me and put these little heart collars on them, just like me! She's gone a little bonkers I think - over the top you know... It was a little wierd to have all those puppies around the house, but I liked them alright. They weren't much into wrestling though, like Lucy and I like to do.

And she's also selling these really fun note cards and get this, I'm on the front (go figure) being cutesy as all get out... playing in the snow, flying through the air, being a generally puffed up pup.

People are kind of excited and there's a little buzz in the air.
The book did really well at a couple of library conferences last week. Everyone was looking at it and taking bookmarks and cards. The lady at the conference put the book right in front because she said it would draw all kinds of people to her booth... and sure shoot it did!

Anyway, we're all excited around here and if you want to buy a book, you can do it now at

This little stuffed dog sure tastes good!

Lots of love flying around!