Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hannah Gets Her DAG Card

Dad says it’s official – I can get a DAG Card! (The Dog Actor’s Guild, silly…) Check out our new beach video. If you liked the Snow Day Video you won’t be able to wait to see our antics on the beach!

And check out these shenanigans at home. Mom set up a blue screen for me and everything. Boy did we have fun shooting this video. Dad was doubled over and mom cracking up so hard when she was editing that she wet her pants, just like Lucy does when someone fun comes to visit. She said I looked like Buck Rogers, whoever that is – some beach dude I guess. We haven’t heard them in hysterics like that for awhile. It got us all worked up to trying to figure out what was happening. But then I think they were laughing just because it was us and we’re connected to them. We’re nutty crazy for the beach and love makin’ waves. I hope the kids think the new video is funny, too.

Not only that – Mom had an interview with Hal on KRXA 540 last Friday before her book signing at Pilgrims Way bookstore in Carmel. If you’re super bored today you can listen to that, too.

The holidays are coming, so remember – you can buy “A Snow Day For Hannah” and “A Beach Day For Hannah” online or at your neighborhood bookstore. (If they don’t carry it, then if you ask for it maybe they will.)

A Special Event: Hannah and Lucy will be at the Sie Film Center on Colfax (formerly the Denver Film Center) on Sunday, Dec 16 at 11:00. Mom will do a reading, we'll watch the videos and then guess what? The kids get to watch The Polar Express and SANTA WILL BE THERE!!!

Mom is also going to do a reading at Gorsuch in Vail on December 21st from 2-6pm. They are selling her books like nobody’s business – on display as you walk in the door with the little Hannah dogs... (they are Berner lovers, you know!) Lucky me to be in such a fancy pants store.

Hang Ten…
Love Hannah

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hannah's Cranberry Caper

Too cool for school - check out our shades... we're super lucky dogs in Carmel, CA for the Thanksgiving holiday! A whole week of fun, sun, and running on the beach with all kinds of crazy canines. Mom's working on our new Beach Day video, too. Stay tuned for that!

Mom and Dad spent all morning cooking great smelling stuff for Thanksgiving weekend. Lucy and I lucked into a couple of pieces of stew meat sauteed in red wine and housin sauce by hanging out near the kitchen and pretending not to notice anything unusual. (They don't cook much, so it's totally out of character!) Dad's kinda learning how to cook and so he made pumpkin bread and cranberry bread for the first time ever. Boy did that work up the olfactories!

In the past us dogs have been highly obedient regarding fabulous food items on tables, but when Mom went off to buy the turkey and Dad went into the garage, that cranberry bread was too hard to resist. Lucy grabbed it right off the counter and started to scarf it down and I joined right in, too. We didn't leave one crumb - not one piece of evidence. It was a very clever clean sweep, if I do say so myself. And man was that good chow!

Mom was confused for a few minutes when she got home. She asked Dad if he had wrapped up the bread, but, tee hee, he hadn't. They looked at each other funny and then started giggling and scolding us. We feigned innocence, but I think they knew exactly what happened! (They aren't as dumb as we think they are.) I overheard Mom using bad words and discussing our 'digestive systems' keeping her up all night pooping cranberries. Then she figured out that Dad forgot to put sugar in the pumpkin bread. Dad said we could have that loaf, too. I think they're going to start all over tomorrow morning.

The good news is that we're doing a book signing on Saturday, Nov 24 at 11am at the Pilgrim's Way Bookstore in Carmel. The Beach Day for Hannah book is a hit here, because, of course, it was shot in Carmel. Mom got us these silly Christmas collars for the event. (What do you think?) Mom's also going to talk to a nice man named Hal on the Monterey Peninsula radio, KRXA - AM540 on Friday morning at 8am.

Last week Mom was in Chicago doing book readings at Joseph Sears and Willowbrook Elementary Schools and at the Book Stall Bookstore in Winnetka. She had fun but we couldn't go on the plane.

Anywho - hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving. We're giving thanks to cranberry bread for sure!

Love & gobs of giblets & gravy!
