Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hannah Blocks Tai Chi Man

We've been peddling books through Utah, Nevada, and now we're at my favorite beach, Carmel (where we already shot "A Beach Day For Hannah" - 2nd in the series). Things are a little different out here in California. We were going on this great walk this morning on Carmel Beach, where they let the dogs run wild and free, my favorite thing! There were tons of great dogs to play with and Lucy and I found a dead seal to roll around in. Boy did we smell good and gross out Mom!!

But the highlight of the day was Tai Chi man. He was all peaceful, doing his graceful moves and along we came. Of course I can't ever resist running through someone's legs to get a pet! Boy was he surprised to see me there, the ying to his yang. We all had our energies flowing then! Mom wasn't too please that we disturbed this man's meditation, but he was laughing, so I think it was okay.

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving full of free flowing spiritual well-being!

Love and Harmony, Hannah

PS - A Snow Day For Hannah is now available at and Barnes and Noble!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Travels With Hannah

I traveled around the western part of Colorado last week with Mom and Julie Mordecai, Executive Director of the Colorado Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs. We all had a blast meeting kids, doing readings, and I especially liked all the attention I got. One little boy was so excited to see me he wet his pants (like I do sometimes when I see my folks after they've been away for awhile). Another boy said "I had a dog but someone killed it!" That scared me a little, but Mom says I'm pretty safe.

Anyway, we must have met over 200 kids altogether in Craig, Steamboat, Grand Junction, Durango, and Alamosa. Lots of them have dogs of their own. But they thought I was cute, too.
Mom got to stop at lots of books stores and we were in a few papers and we even got to be on the public radio in Ignacio! Mom was a little nervous to be live on the radio, but it sounded like she did okay and another guy, Vonn, from the Boys & Girls Clubs was on with her.

But our favorite thing was that Julie had a pajama party in Alamosa and a bunch of kids came over in their jammies for a reading while their parents drank wine and bought books to support the Boys & Girls Clubs. We met a 7 week old adorable Bernese puppy named Yoda. He was missing his litter and sure liked to play with all the little stuffed dogs that Mom was selling with the book! Can you tell which one he is?

Tomorrow we head out to peddle books in Utah, Nevada, & California!

Love and Kisses from Hannah!